Arabic abroad institute in JordanIn general, Jordan is a liberal country, and there is no formal dress code. Jordanians
are also very accepting of foreign cultures and understand that tourists dress differently, for example if you are learning Arabic in an Arabic abroad institute in Jordan, you won’t have to dress according to a specific dress code.
However, daily or occasionally, Jordanian men and women still wear traditional costumes. The traditional outfit typically worn by men is made of a one-piece full-body covering dress, called a “Dishdashah” or “Thoub”, and a head cover called “kuffiyeh” which is red and white and it is strongly associated with the country and its heritage, where it is known as the “Shemagh”. The Jordanian kuffiyeh has decorative cotton or wool tassels on the sides; the bigger these tassels, the greater the garment’s supposed value and the status of the person wearing it. It has been worn by Bedouins and villagers and used as a symbol of honor and/or tribal identification. The women’s national costume is a handmade full body covering dress which is also called “Thoub”, it is usually black with embroiled red patterns.